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贴子作者:王志成 发贴日期:2003-2-25 21:21
阅读次数:1099 回复条数:4
所属版块:计算机与网络 最后回复日期:2003-2-26 14:34
标题:骑士游历(Knight's Tour)问题
  骑士游历(Knight's Tour)问题:一个骑士(也就是象棋中的“马”)在国际象棋的棋盘(8*8)中从一个点开始移动,问他是否能经过64格中的每一格且每一格只能经过一次。你可以在一张纸上画一个8*8的棋盘自己试一下看你能走多远。


  李凡希可不可以把他编译后嵌入该页面中。把文件保存为Knight.java(注意大小写)编译后,在网页中插入<applet code="Knight.class" width=290 height=210></applet>代码。

//start of Knight.java
//exercise 7.23 in <java how to program> on page258
//Knight's Tour  Knight.java
//data 2003.2.24

**骑士游历(Knight's Tour)问题:一个骑士(也就是象棋中的“马”)

//import class & package
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Knight extends JApplet implements ActionListener{

    final int CHESSBOARD_WIDTH = 8;  //the width of chessboard

    int currentRow,   //Knight's current Row
      currentColumn,  //Knight's current Column
      currentStep;   //current step
    JTextArea outputArea;
    JLabel outputLabel,enterLabelX,enterLabelY;
    JTextField enterFieldX,enterFieldY;
    JButton button;
    int accessibility[][];  //the accessibility of every grid , if it >=8 means this grid is go acrossed
    int horizontal[] = { 2, 1,-1,-2,-2,-1, 1, 2},
      vertical[]  = {-1,-2,-2,-1, 1, 2, 2, 1};  //8 kinds of actions
    int board[][];      //chessboard status

    public void init(){

        accessibility = new int[ CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ][ CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ];
        board = new int[ CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ][ CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ];

        Container c = getContentPane();
        c.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );

        //add Graphics User Interface to applet
        outputLabel = new JLabel( "Please intput your position on the chessboard:");
        c.add( outputLabel );

        enterLabelX = new JLabel( "X:" );
        c.add( enterLabelX );

        enterFieldX = new JTextField( 10 );
        enterFieldX.setText( "1" );
        c.add( enterFieldX );

        enterLabelY = new JLabel( "Y:" );
        c.add( enterLabelY );

        enterFieldY = new JTextField( 10 );
        enterFieldY.setText( "1" );
        c.add( enterFieldY );

        outputArea = new JTextArea( 8,12 );
        outputArea.setEditable( false );
        c.add( outputArea );

        button = new JButton( "GO" );
        button.addActionListener( this );
        c.add( button );


    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){   //while the "GO" button is clicked

        boolean flag = true;   //the sign of while end

        currentRow = Integer.parseInt( enterFieldX.getText() )-1;    //get the X value from TextField
        currentColumn = Integer.parseInt( enterFieldY.getText() )-1;  //get the Y value from TextField

        if ( outofBoundary( currentRow,currentColumn ) ) {
            showStatus( "You input is out of Boundary, you input mast between 1 to " + CHESSBOARD_WIDTH + ",input again!" );

        //initial valuables
        currentStep = 1;
        board[ currentRow ][ currentColumn ] = currentStep;  //sign the grid which is go across
        modifyAccessibility();   //modify the accessibility table

        while ( flag ){

            int minimal;

            minimal = getMin();    //get the minimal accessibility among the next steps
            if ( minimal != -1 )
                moveNumber( minimal );
                flag = false;   //no grid to go
            if ( currentStep == ( CHESSBOARD_WIDTH * CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ) ) flag = false;  //every grid is go acrossed


    }  //end of actionPerformed

    public void initialBoard(){

        for( int i=0 ; i<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ; i++ ){
            for ( int l=0 ; l<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ; l++ ){
                board[ i ][ l ] = 0;

            }  //end of for l
        }  //end of for i

    }  // end of initialBoard

    public void initialAccessibility(){

        int row,column;

        for ( int i=0 ; i<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ; i++ ){
            for ( int l=0 ; l<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ; l++ ){
                accessibility[ i ][ l ] = 0;

        for ( int i=0 ; i<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ; i++ ){
            for ( int l=0 ; l<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ; l++ ){
                for( int m=0 ; m<8 ; m++ ){
                    row = i + vertical[ m ];
                    column = l + horizontal[ m ];
                    if ( !outofBoundary( row,column ) )
                        accessibility[ row ][ column ]++;
                }  //end of for m
            }  //end of for l
        }  //end of for i
    }  //end of initialAccessibility

    public int getMin(){    //get the minimal accessibility among the next steps

        int row,column,
          i,       //the loop variable
          min,      //the minimal action
          minRow,    //the row of minimal action
          minColumn;   //the column of minimal action

        for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ ){    //verify is there any grid to go
            row = currentRow + vertical[ i ];
            column = currentColumn + horizontal[ i ];
            if ( !outofBoundary( row,column ) && accessibility[ row ][ column ] <= 8 )    //verify if it can go , if >=8 means it has been go acrossed
        } //end of for i
        if ( i < 8 ){   //means this grid can be gone
            min = i;
            minRow = currentRow;
            minColumn = currentColumn;
        else return -1;   //i=8 there is no grid can be gone
        for ( ; i<8 ; i++ ){    //go on search minimal
            row = currentRow + vertical[ i ];
            column = currentColumn + horizontal[ i ];
            if ( !outofBoundary( row,column ) && ( accessibility[ row ][ column ] < accessibility[ minRow ][ minColumn ] ) ){
                min = i;
                minRow = row;
                minColumn = column;
            }  //end of if
        }  //end of for i

        return min;

    }  //end of getMin

    public void moveNumber( int moveNum ){  //the knight move from one to another , moveNum is move action code

        currentRow += vertical[ moveNum ];
        currentColumn += horizontal[ moveNum ];
        board[ currentRow ][ currentColumn ] = currentStep;

    public void modifyAccessibility(){    //modify the accessibility for current grid
        int row,column;
        accessibility[ currentRow ][ currentColumn ] = 100;
        for( int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ ){
            row = currentRow + vertical[ i ];
            column = currentColumn + horizontal[ i ];
            if ( !outofBoundary( row , column ) ){
                accessibility[ row ][ column ]--;
            }  //end of if
        }  //end of for i
    }  //end of modifyAccessibility

    public boolean outofBoundary( int testRow , int testColumn ){   //verify if testRow,testColumn is out of boundary

        if ( testRow < 0 || testRow > CHESSBOARD_WIDTH-1 || testColumn < 0 || testColumn > CHESSBOARD_WIDTH-1 )
            return true;
            return false;

    public void buildOutput(){

        String output = "";
        DecimalFormat towDigital = new DecimalFormat( "00" );

        for ( int i=0 ; i<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ; i++ ){
            for( int l=0 ; l<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH ; l++ ){
                if ( board[ i ][ l ] == 0 )
                    output += "  ";
                    output += towDigital.format( board[ i ][ l ] ) + " ";
            }  //end of for l

            if ( i<CHESSBOARD_WIDTH-1 )output += "\n";
        }  //end of for i

        outputArea.setText( output );
    }  //end of buildOutput

}  //end of class Knight


贴子作者:lifanxi 发贴日期:2003-2-25 22:42
不过这个页面只能在机器上安装了Sun的JDK或JRE,并把它们作为IE的Java插件时才能正常访问,用微软的Java虚拟机是不行的。Sun公司的所谓"Write once, Run everywhere"原来……
贴子作者:王志成 发贴日期:2003-2-26 14:26
贴子作者:wangwzc 发贴日期:2003-2-26 14:33
Sun公司的"Write once, Run everywhere"前景还是很不错的,只是目前微弱使用了不公平的竞争手段,所以在目前还不能很好的" Run everywhere ".相信以后的版本会有好转,上次SUN公司控告MISCROSOFT垄断案的官司打赢了只后,MISCROSOFT公司必须在以后的版本中加入SUN的相关技术。
贴子作者:王志成 发贴日期:2003-2-26 14:34
Sun公司的"Write once, Run everywhere"前景还是很不错的,只是目前微弱使用了不公平的竞争手段,所以在目前还不能很好的" Run everywhere ".相信以后的版本会有好转,上次SUN公司控告MISCROSOFT垄断案的官司打赢了只后,MISCROSOFT公司必须在以后的版本中加入SUN的相关技术。


(C) Copyright 2000-2003 Shengze Middle School Class 4 Grade 3 of the Year 1999